Dr. Robert J. Flower's

DR. ROBERT J. FLOWER, PHD is a highly successful entrepreneur, scholar and “entelechist”. For over 35 years he has dedicated himself to the study of Potential and the best ways to fully achieve it. Through his discovery of the Laws of Potential and the development of Natural Intelligence and Thinking, Dr. Flower has created the Science of Achievement and Total Success.
Dr. Flower has been acknowledged in print, radio and television* as one of the world’s leading authorities on Potential and Achievement. He has been an advisor and consultant for companies such as IBM and Chrysler as well as the State of New York and former governor Malcolm Olson. He is a Professor of Economics, Marketing and Business Management at Mercy College in New York. He is also a Professor of Business Philosophy at Seton College in New York.
He has written three books and a downloadable workbook describing "Natural Thinking and Intelligence," the cornerstone of the Science of Achievement. In Decoding Potential, A Revolution in Understanding, Your Exceptional Mind and How We Analyze, Understand and Decide Things, he describes how our 13 Natural Intelligences define our natural potential and work together to enable achievement, as well as how to overcome obstacles that restrict our success.
* Print features include The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Investor’s Business Daily and Stock Market Magazine. Television appearances include WOR-TV, CNBC, MSNBC, ION Media Network and cable shows around the country.